This isn’t one of the most obvious ways to make money online, which is precisely why it is something of an untapped market for generating an income from.
There are plenty of subjects you could tap into for building a worthwhile forum – all you need to do is choose one that you already have a good deal of knowledge in. Alternatively you could add one to a site you have now, which can be an excellent way of monetizing your existing traffic.
A forum or community is also an excellent way of providing more value for your visitors. They have a reason to return to your website because they know there will be regular fresh content on there. That same fact will also mean the search engine spiders will tend to visit your site more often too, which can eventually result in a higher ranking.
Want to know more? Read on!
Building a forum or community can take a bit of effort initially, but there are a lot of rewards to be had. It might also be a lot cheaper than you think, since there are plenty of providers who will let you have the software and hosting you’ll need completely free of charge. Have a good look round the internet to see which ones appeal to you the most before deciding.
That’s all very well, but how do you actually make money from this?
Well it does depend on the subject of the forum, but you can charge a fee for people to gain access to it if you provide them with decent information and there is something worth gaining for the money. Some news related sites charge a fee for access which encourages people to visit the site on a daily basis, but obviously your site might be on a completely different subject altogether.
You could also think about building a community or forum where basic membership is free, but in order to get access to premium features you would need to pay a small monthly fee. This strategy often gets a better take up rate as people get the chance to sample what the site is like before deciding whether or not to pay the extra money. A good example of this (albeit one on a large scale) is the Second Life virtual reality site, where membership is free but in order to take part on a larger scale and gain access to better features you need to pay the monthly amount stipulated.
You can see that it’s a good idea to do your homework before getting involved with anything like this, because you want to make sure your paid membership options are desirable enough to bring in the customers. If you end up giving your subscribers something they can get elsewhere at no cost whatsoever, then there is no reason for them to carry on subscribing with you. That’s a good point to bear in mind when you get started; if your subscriber drop out rate seems rather high, you might need to reconsider what you are offering.
Some people also offer membership only websites which have a members’ only forum as part of the overall package. These are usually based around a popular subject but go into it in more depth and offer unique content that can’t be found anywhere else.
For example, there is plenty of content out there about writing and selling e-books, but there is at least one person offering a members’ only site that goes into the whole process step by step, sharing their own success of writing and selling e-books in an in-depth fashion. This is the kind of format you want to aim for.
So if you have some ideas on creating a forum, community or members’ only site of your own, why not start making steps towards making them a reality? You might find those ideas hold a monthly income for you that you only need to start tapping into.
But leave us a comment before you go out and make a difference! Let us know your thoughts and how this idea might work for you.
If you are serious about learning how to make money online, be it for a little extra cash, or to replace your income, the best place to start is with Steve Peirce’s Income Elite program.
Steve and his team of experts will take you by the hand and show you every step you need to take to get a website up and running and making money. Plus you can check out the whole program for as little as $4.95 on a 5 day Risk Free Trial to make sure it lives up to what it promises. Click here to read more about the Income Elite Program.
Build Your Own Custom Search Engine
It might seem hard to believe that anyone could rival Google with a new search engine. But it could happen if the idea for custom built search engines comes to fruition.
If the idea of building your own search engine appeals to you, remember that the trick is not to try and compete directly with Google itself. Instead of doing that you should take a difference stance altogether – and in fact it is this stance that many people think is going to become the new search engine for the future.
Sounds intriguing? To find out exactly what kind of search engine we’re talking about, click to read more.
The internet is a huge place, almost beyond comprehension, and it’s getting bigger every single day. That makes it incredibly hard to find anything. Unless you happen to know the URL of a site you want to visit, the chances of finding it in the search engines is getting more remote by the day.
While the whole process of search engine optimization allows every website to have a chance of getting onto page one of Google, where it stands the best chance of being discovered by the people who want to find it, there is one thing that it really doesn’t account for – and that’s accuracy.
The truth is that you could create a website that is factually inaccurate and it could still rank very highly in the search engines – so long as it was optimized to do so. Furthermore even the major search engines are becoming more and more unwieldy as time goes by and even more new websites are launched. It’s not uncommon to search for a particular type of website and get hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of results coming back at you.
This means that there is clearly a gap for a new type of search engine. Imagine a whole network of them, with each one concentrating on a different subject. So for example let’s say you wanted to find a website which contains medical information. Instead of going to Google or another large search engine, you would go to a medical search engine which only lists that type of website. Similarly if you wanted to find information on investments, you would go to a search engine that only contained websites which dealt with that subject.
This is an idea which is only just starting to be suggested, but many experts think that this could be a glimpse of what it will be like in the future. So why not be a trailblazer and pick a popular subject that gets a lot of searches every day to build a new search engine around?
When it comes to creating the actual engine there are a few tutorials online that reveal how to do it. Do a search (on a search engine!) to find them, and start to map out your ideas for your particular search engine. Don’t forget that this will be a more targeted engine than anything else that is out there at the moment, so bear that in mind when it comes to choosing a domain name for it. After all, you want your search engine to rank highly in the results in the general search engines, to ensure you get found and people start using you.
You will also need to be able to crawl the relevant websites that are out there on the web today, so you can include them in your own results. Of course it will take some time to build a well established custom search engine, but the fact that you are taking on this kind of focused project in the first place should earn you some free publicity. Make sure you write some press releases as well, to get the right people interested. It’s also worth getting in touch with websites that could be placed in the results, to help spread the word.
You could be the owner of a major targeted search engine in a few months time, so why not get started now? Be sure to leave us a comment below first though! And good luck.
If the idea of building your own search engine appeals to you, remember that the trick is not to try and compete directly with Google itself. Instead of doing that you should take a difference stance altogether – and in fact it is this stance that many people think is going to become the new search engine for the future.
Sounds intriguing? To find out exactly what kind of search engine we’re talking about, click to read more.
The internet is a huge place, almost beyond comprehension, and it’s getting bigger every single day. That makes it incredibly hard to find anything. Unless you happen to know the URL of a site you want to visit, the chances of finding it in the search engines is getting more remote by the day.
While the whole process of search engine optimization allows every website to have a chance of getting onto page one of Google, where it stands the best chance of being discovered by the people who want to find it, there is one thing that it really doesn’t account for – and that’s accuracy.
The truth is that you could create a website that is factually inaccurate and it could still rank very highly in the search engines – so long as it was optimized to do so. Furthermore even the major search engines are becoming more and more unwieldy as time goes by and even more new websites are launched. It’s not uncommon to search for a particular type of website and get hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of results coming back at you.
This means that there is clearly a gap for a new type of search engine. Imagine a whole network of them, with each one concentrating on a different subject. So for example let’s say you wanted to find a website which contains medical information. Instead of going to Google or another large search engine, you would go to a medical search engine which only lists that type of website. Similarly if you wanted to find information on investments, you would go to a search engine that only contained websites which dealt with that subject.
This is an idea which is only just starting to be suggested, but many experts think that this could be a glimpse of what it will be like in the future. So why not be a trailblazer and pick a popular subject that gets a lot of searches every day to build a new search engine around?
When it comes to creating the actual engine there are a few tutorials online that reveal how to do it. Do a search (on a search engine!) to find them, and start to map out your ideas for your particular search engine. Don’t forget that this will be a more targeted engine than anything else that is out there at the moment, so bear that in mind when it comes to choosing a domain name for it. After all, you want your search engine to rank highly in the results in the general search engines, to ensure you get found and people start using you.
You will also need to be able to crawl the relevant websites that are out there on the web today, so you can include them in your own results. Of course it will take some time to build a well established custom search engine, but the fact that you are taking on this kind of focused project in the first place should earn you some free publicity. Make sure you write some press releases as well, to get the right people interested. It’s also worth getting in touch with websites that could be placed in the results, to help spread the word.
You could be the owner of a major targeted search engine in a few months time, so why not get started now? Be sure to leave us a comment below first though! And good luck.
Become A Sales Agent For An Offline Product And Take It Online
Have you ever come across a product that really caught your eye that you have never seen online before?
If you have and you still know where to find it, why not consider trying to market it online? There are really countless ways of doing this, depending on the nature of the product and where you get hold of it from, but in general if you come across something that hasn’t really taken off online yet you have a great chance of beating everyone else to the punch.
Becoming a sales agent usually means you get a percentage from every sale you make, so the way to approach this opportunity depends on how many products you can get access to. Some businesses allow you to join as a sales agent and sell a range of products, in which case you could set up a website (with their agreement of course) promoting all of them in turn. You would then receive orders via your site and process them via your supplier directly.
It does depend a lot on how you get hold of the product or products in the first place though. Some businesses may agree to let you promote their product on a sale or return basis, or alternatively you may have to buy a quantity of the product first and take a chance on whether it would sell well online or not.
Whichever way you approach this opportunity, it’s clear that you should get stuck into some research before you agree to anything. Find out as much about the product as you can – who it would appeal to, what price it retails for, and how much your profit margin would be on each unit.
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of finding a product that you love and you think you could make money with, but you need to be certain that a lot of other people will like it just as much as well! By finding out as much as you can in the first place you stand a better chance of making a good profit.
If you haven’t seen any particular product which grabs your interest the best place to start looking – ironically – is online. Search for companies that have offline sales agents already and think about approaching the best ones (the ones that appeal to you the most) with your proposition. As hard as it may be to believe there are still some businesses that don’t have any kind of online presence at all – and you could be just what they are looking for.
One final point – you should try looking in your local area to see what businesses are there, before you look any further afield. Quite often they will be the ones who haven’t got online yet.
It might take some work to find a product you like that has great potential for taking online, but the end result can be well worth it. Let us know your thoughts by leaving a message below before you start hunting
If you have and you still know where to find it, why not consider trying to market it online? There are really countless ways of doing this, depending on the nature of the product and where you get hold of it from, but in general if you come across something that hasn’t really taken off online yet you have a great chance of beating everyone else to the punch.
Becoming a sales agent usually means you get a percentage from every sale you make, so the way to approach this opportunity depends on how many products you can get access to. Some businesses allow you to join as a sales agent and sell a range of products, in which case you could set up a website (with their agreement of course) promoting all of them in turn. You would then receive orders via your site and process them via your supplier directly.
It does depend a lot on how you get hold of the product or products in the first place though. Some businesses may agree to let you promote their product on a sale or return basis, or alternatively you may have to buy a quantity of the product first and take a chance on whether it would sell well online or not.
Whichever way you approach this opportunity, it’s clear that you should get stuck into some research before you agree to anything. Find out as much about the product as you can – who it would appeal to, what price it retails for, and how much your profit margin would be on each unit.
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of finding a product that you love and you think you could make money with, but you need to be certain that a lot of other people will like it just as much as well! By finding out as much as you can in the first place you stand a better chance of making a good profit.
If you haven’t seen any particular product which grabs your interest the best place to start looking – ironically – is online. Search for companies that have offline sales agents already and think about approaching the best ones (the ones that appeal to you the most) with your proposition. As hard as it may be to believe there are still some businesses that don’t have any kind of online presence at all – and you could be just what they are looking for.
One final point – you should try looking in your local area to see what businesses are there, before you look any further afield. Quite often they will be the ones who haven’t got online yet.
It might take some work to find a product you like that has great potential for taking online, but the end result can be well worth it. Let us know your thoughts by leaving a message below before you start hunting
Money Writing Articles Or Web Content
What is the one thing that everyone is looking for when they go online? You’ve got it – information. And if you can supply it in all kinds of shapes and forms then you will be paid for doing so, which could lead to a whole new career as a web writer.
Of course it isn’t just online markets that need content; there are hundreds of other markets you could break into as well, including magazines, but overall it is the internet which offers the best opportunities, especially for the beginning writer.
So why should you start online when you want to earn money writing? The reason is simple – it isn’t just editors that need your work. Website owners, people with newsletters that need writing and countless others all have writing jobs that they can’t or won’t do or don’t have the time to do themselves.
That generally sends them scurrying to websites like Elance and Get A Freelancer to find people who will write the articles and content they need for them. There are plus points and negative points to writing for the internet; you won’t often see your work published under your own name as you will usually be ghostwriting it for someone else, but you will get a lot of work since jobs quite often come in batches. You won’t often get just a single article to write for instance – you might get a half dozen, ten, twenty or even more, so the money can soon mount up.
The best places for finding work are the aforementioned sites, but you should also look on classified ad sites such as Craigslist for jobs in your own country and in other places around the world. There are also plenty of writing related websites that can easily be found via the search engines if you look for ‘online writing jobs’ or something similar. Don’t forget blogging jobs as well; if you have your own blog then you already have experience in blogging, so apply for as many as you can. Ongoing blogging jobs are great for bringing in a regular stream of income.
Getting started and building contacts is the hardest part. Go for jobs you feel confident in doing to begin with; after a while you will pick up speed and complete them faster and much more easily. You will soon learn to juggle your work as well in order to meet all your deadlines before they fall due – this is an essential skill you will need to develop in order to position yourself as one of the best in the business.
You could also work for a ghostwriting team if you prefer; these can also be found via the search engines and a simple email should reveal whether they are accepting new writers at any time. This can make life easier since you don’t have to go looking for work all the time – it is generally supplied by the team leader, depending on how that particular team works.
But can you really make a full time income by doing this? The answer is yes you can, but speed and quality are of the essence. If you produce good work then people will naturally come back to you for more of the same. They will also pay more for work of a better standard, so make sure you don’t put yourself down with the $2 an article crowd.
It will take time to build up enough work to be able to leave your current job and start a brand new career as a web writer, but there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to do this if you persevere and keep checking the classified ad sites and job boards every single day. Don’t wait to apply for jobs either – do it as soon as you see them appear. Getting in early can make all the difference in some cases.
So do you think you have it in you to be a writer? If you do there is a huge market out there just waiting for you to dive in. Just remember where you came from, and leave us a comment by using the form below before you go and begin your new career!
Of course it isn’t just online markets that need content; there are hundreds of other markets you could break into as well, including magazines, but overall it is the internet which offers the best opportunities, especially for the beginning writer.
So why should you start online when you want to earn money writing? The reason is simple – it isn’t just editors that need your work. Website owners, people with newsletters that need writing and countless others all have writing jobs that they can’t or won’t do or don’t have the time to do themselves.
That generally sends them scurrying to websites like Elance and Get A Freelancer to find people who will write the articles and content they need for them. There are plus points and negative points to writing for the internet; you won’t often see your work published under your own name as you will usually be ghostwriting it for someone else, but you will get a lot of work since jobs quite often come in batches. You won’t often get just a single article to write for instance – you might get a half dozen, ten, twenty or even more, so the money can soon mount up.
The best places for finding work are the aforementioned sites, but you should also look on classified ad sites such as Craigslist for jobs in your own country and in other places around the world. There are also plenty of writing related websites that can easily be found via the search engines if you look for ‘online writing jobs’ or something similar. Don’t forget blogging jobs as well; if you have your own blog then you already have experience in blogging, so apply for as many as you can. Ongoing blogging jobs are great for bringing in a regular stream of income.
Getting started and building contacts is the hardest part. Go for jobs you feel confident in doing to begin with; after a while you will pick up speed and complete them faster and much more easily. You will soon learn to juggle your work as well in order to meet all your deadlines before they fall due – this is an essential skill you will need to develop in order to position yourself as one of the best in the business.
You could also work for a ghostwriting team if you prefer; these can also be found via the search engines and a simple email should reveal whether they are accepting new writers at any time. This can make life easier since you don’t have to go looking for work all the time – it is generally supplied by the team leader, depending on how that particular team works.
But can you really make a full time income by doing this? The answer is yes you can, but speed and quality are of the essence. If you produce good work then people will naturally come back to you for more of the same. They will also pay more for work of a better standard, so make sure you don’t put yourself down with the $2 an article crowd.
It will take time to build up enough work to be able to leave your current job and start a brand new career as a web writer, but there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to do this if you persevere and keep checking the classified ad sites and job boards every single day. Don’t wait to apply for jobs either – do it as soon as you see them appear. Getting in early can make all the difference in some cases.
So do you think you have it in you to be a writer? If you do there is a huge market out there just waiting for you to dive in. Just remember where you came from, and leave us a comment by using the form below before you go and begin your new career!
Make Money With ClickBank
ClickBank is just about the biggest website on the internet today as far as affiliates are concerned. If you want to make money online but you don’t have a product of your own to promote, what better solution could there be than to promote someone else’s in exchange for a slice of the profits?
ClickBank is a no brainer if you want to get started on no cash at all, and you have your choice of products to promote as well. It’s also a great chance to experiment a little and get to know what niches are profitable and which ones have the best products that you make the most sales on.
As far as an introduction to affiliate marketing goes, the best place to head to is definitely ClickBank…
Affiliate accounts are free at ClickBank, and once you have got yours you will need to take a look at the huge number of opportunities you have to promote products – mostly e-books – to your chosen audience.
Now you might be wondering how you can do this without having a website of your own or a blog you are hosting yourself, but all you need to do is get a free web page (or in fact as many as you like) from Squidoo. Check out the separate blog entry on that very subject to see how you can combine the two for maximum benefits.
If you do have a site of your own you can easily promote ClickBank products to your existing audience by searching for items that are likely to appeal to them. Use the search facility on ClickBank to help narrow down the number of products to sort through, and pick an appropriate category as well, to make sure you find the most suitable items.
You will get a dedicated link (called a hoplink) that will ensure you get a portion of the proceeds if someone clicks through to buy a product you have recommended. You can cloak this if you wish for extra security on your part by visiting one of the many free shortened URL sites online today.
The best way to profit from ClickBank is to focus on providing more than just an affiliate link for your customer to click on. The idea is to almost pre-sell the product before they even reach the sales page. You really need to be able to recommend it to them by stirring up some enthusiasm first.
A lot of affiliates get to the stage where they build a free web page (on Squidoo) or even a whole website on a specific subject, and write (or have someone else write) material that the visitors will find useful and interesting. In this way you are building a relationship with your visitors and projecting an image of someone that can be trusted and who knows a bit about what they are saying. It’s ironic really, but if you come across as an affiliate people will assume you are just out to make money and won’t even take a second look at the sales page you are trying to send them to – even if that product is really worth looking at.
Less is more when you are an affiliate trying to make money from ClickBank, and the more you remember that the more sales you are likely to make over time.
The good thing is that no matter how many different products you can promote, all your earnings will go straight into the same account, ready to be paid to you once you hit your payment threshold.
The best way to start with ClickBank is to find your way around the site and get to know how it works. Once you have done that start researching a few choice niches and develop things from there. Slowly but surely you will start to see results.
But before you head on over to ClickBank to sign up for your free account, make sure you leave a comment for us below! We always love to hear from you.
ClickBank is a no brainer if you want to get started on no cash at all, and you have your choice of products to promote as well. It’s also a great chance to experiment a little and get to know what niches are profitable and which ones have the best products that you make the most sales on.
As far as an introduction to affiliate marketing goes, the best place to head to is definitely ClickBank…
Affiliate accounts are free at ClickBank, and once you have got yours you will need to take a look at the huge number of opportunities you have to promote products – mostly e-books – to your chosen audience.
Now you might be wondering how you can do this without having a website of your own or a blog you are hosting yourself, but all you need to do is get a free web page (or in fact as many as you like) from Squidoo. Check out the separate blog entry on that very subject to see how you can combine the two for maximum benefits.
If you do have a site of your own you can easily promote ClickBank products to your existing audience by searching for items that are likely to appeal to them. Use the search facility on ClickBank to help narrow down the number of products to sort through, and pick an appropriate category as well, to make sure you find the most suitable items.
You will get a dedicated link (called a hoplink) that will ensure you get a portion of the proceeds if someone clicks through to buy a product you have recommended. You can cloak this if you wish for extra security on your part by visiting one of the many free shortened URL sites online today.
The best way to profit from ClickBank is to focus on providing more than just an affiliate link for your customer to click on. The idea is to almost pre-sell the product before they even reach the sales page. You really need to be able to recommend it to them by stirring up some enthusiasm first.
A lot of affiliates get to the stage where they build a free web page (on Squidoo) or even a whole website on a specific subject, and write (or have someone else write) material that the visitors will find useful and interesting. In this way you are building a relationship with your visitors and projecting an image of someone that can be trusted and who knows a bit about what they are saying. It’s ironic really, but if you come across as an affiliate people will assume you are just out to make money and won’t even take a second look at the sales page you are trying to send them to – even if that product is really worth looking at.
Less is more when you are an affiliate trying to make money from ClickBank, and the more you remember that the more sales you are likely to make over time.
The good thing is that no matter how many different products you can promote, all your earnings will go straight into the same account, ready to be paid to you once you hit your payment threshold.
The best way to start with ClickBank is to find your way around the site and get to know how it works. Once you have done that start researching a few choice niches and develop things from there. Slowly but surely you will start to see results.
But before you head on over to ClickBank to sign up for your free account, make sure you leave a comment for us below! We always love to hear from you.
Make Money Selling E-Books
Make no mistake – e-books are big business online. No matter what you search for there will be someone out there selling an e-book on it.
But the best thing about them is that they provide one of the most potentially lucrative businesses you could ever hope to start online. So long as you do your homework and don’t try and cut corners you can start making inroads into this business within days of deciding to get started. There is plenty to learn but none of it is beyond you – and even if you don’t think you’re up to the job there are plenty of people you can call on to help you.
If you’re thinking of selling e-books to make money online, your best bet is to write your own.
But why do that when there are plenty of affiliate e-books around that you can promote and earn a cut from?
The answer is simple. If you write and create your own e-book no one else will be selling anything quite like it. You’ve got a unique product that will draw attention since no one will have seen it before. As long as you do your research first, you could make a lot of money from one e-book alone.
So first thing’s first – how do you decide what to write an e-book about?
Think about what subjects are currently popular online. Making money will always be a great subject (look at this blog for example!) so anything that taps into this field which doesn’t cover the same ground as loads of other e-books could do well. Try and focus on a specific niche to get the best results; you could start by thinking about what you personally find interesting and see whether any of your hobbies might provide fertile ground to explore.
Once you’ve got some ideas see whether there are already any e-books doing well online on that subject. If there don’t seem to be any around you’ll need to dig a bit further to see if your subject is going to be popular enough to attract a lot of sales. A spot of keyword research and simply looking up related search terms on Google can help reveal the answer to this.
Okay – so let’s assume you now have an idea for an e-book you think will be popular. Next up you have to plan the contents and think of a great title. Titles are very important since they will give the potential buyer an idea of what to expect from the e-book itself. It needs to be specific and intriguing – and full of promise. Don’t worry if one doesn’t occur to you straightaway; quite often you will only think of it once the book is almost written.
The biggest problem when it comes to writing the book itself is staying on topic. It’s very easy to veer off course if you’re not careful, which is why having a pre-written outline to follow will keep you on track. If you plan this out before you begin writing you’ll find the whole process much easier to manage. If you don’t feel confident enough to write it yourself you can hire a ghostwriter to do it for you; there are plenty of sites online where you can hire a freelancer for a fixed fee that you decide on. This gives you complete control over the project.
Incidentally the word ‘e-book’ can be somewhat misleading for newbies to the business. An e-book can indeed be a hundred pages or more long, but it can also be no more than a dozen pages or so. The price for a shorter e-book will of course be lower, but it is still more than you might think given the length of the book itself.
Of course you need to think about more than just the e-book if you want to sell plenty of copies of it. You need to get the word out, and you need to have a great mini website to show it off. These mini websites are really single page sites which promote your e-book in a long sales letter. You would do well to spend as much time writing the sales letter as you did the e-book itself, since it has a very important job to do.
First off you need a stunning headline that will grab the attention. You need to really sell this to everyone who lands on your website so don’t be afraid to shout about the benefits of your e-book! You’ll notice I said benefits there and not features; that’s because the benefits will tell your readers what your book will do for them. That’s a very important point to understand since it could make the difference between getting a reasonable amount of sales and being buried under an avalanche of them!
Think about your price carefully too. Don’t be greedy – but at the same time don’t go too low either. You want to give an impression of quality. Do some research and see what similar titles in your subject area are selling for.
You can also sell more copies by offering bonuses along with the e-book itself. Could you write a number of special reports as well, each one a few pages long, which relate to the subject of your main book? Anything like this will encourage still more people to buy from you rather than going elsewhere for a similar title.
The ultimate goal for you should be to write a series of e-books which each have their own website to sell from. When you write each sales letter be sure to include plenty of keywords and phrases to attract a greater volume of search engine traffic to your site. Pick a good and relevant domain name too – it will help to draw in more people.
The hardest step is in writing that first e-book. Once you’ve got going and you’ve had some experience you’ll start writing them faster, picking better titles and subjects, and selling more copies as a result. Before you know it you’ll have a great business on your hands.
If you’d like to comment on this piece, please leave your message using the form below. Then get writing – your first e-book is there, you just have to get it out.
But the best thing about them is that they provide one of the most potentially lucrative businesses you could ever hope to start online. So long as you do your homework and don’t try and cut corners you can start making inroads into this business within days of deciding to get started. There is plenty to learn but none of it is beyond you – and even if you don’t think you’re up to the job there are plenty of people you can call on to help you.
If you’re thinking of selling e-books to make money online, your best bet is to write your own.
But why do that when there are plenty of affiliate e-books around that you can promote and earn a cut from?
The answer is simple. If you write and create your own e-book no one else will be selling anything quite like it. You’ve got a unique product that will draw attention since no one will have seen it before. As long as you do your research first, you could make a lot of money from one e-book alone.
So first thing’s first – how do you decide what to write an e-book about?
Think about what subjects are currently popular online. Making money will always be a great subject (look at this blog for example!) so anything that taps into this field which doesn’t cover the same ground as loads of other e-books could do well. Try and focus on a specific niche to get the best results; you could start by thinking about what you personally find interesting and see whether any of your hobbies might provide fertile ground to explore.
Once you’ve got some ideas see whether there are already any e-books doing well online on that subject. If there don’t seem to be any around you’ll need to dig a bit further to see if your subject is going to be popular enough to attract a lot of sales. A spot of keyword research and simply looking up related search terms on Google can help reveal the answer to this.
Okay – so let’s assume you now have an idea for an e-book you think will be popular. Next up you have to plan the contents and think of a great title. Titles are very important since they will give the potential buyer an idea of what to expect from the e-book itself. It needs to be specific and intriguing – and full of promise. Don’t worry if one doesn’t occur to you straightaway; quite often you will only think of it once the book is almost written.
The biggest problem when it comes to writing the book itself is staying on topic. It’s very easy to veer off course if you’re not careful, which is why having a pre-written outline to follow will keep you on track. If you plan this out before you begin writing you’ll find the whole process much easier to manage. If you don’t feel confident enough to write it yourself you can hire a ghostwriter to do it for you; there are plenty of sites online where you can hire a freelancer for a fixed fee that you decide on. This gives you complete control over the project.
Incidentally the word ‘e-book’ can be somewhat misleading for newbies to the business. An e-book can indeed be a hundred pages or more long, but it can also be no more than a dozen pages or so. The price for a shorter e-book will of course be lower, but it is still more than you might think given the length of the book itself.
Of course you need to think about more than just the e-book if you want to sell plenty of copies of it. You need to get the word out, and you need to have a great mini website to show it off. These mini websites are really single page sites which promote your e-book in a long sales letter. You would do well to spend as much time writing the sales letter as you did the e-book itself, since it has a very important job to do.
First off you need a stunning headline that will grab the attention. You need to really sell this to everyone who lands on your website so don’t be afraid to shout about the benefits of your e-book! You’ll notice I said benefits there and not features; that’s because the benefits will tell your readers what your book will do for them. That’s a very important point to understand since it could make the difference between getting a reasonable amount of sales and being buried under an avalanche of them!
Think about your price carefully too. Don’t be greedy – but at the same time don’t go too low either. You want to give an impression of quality. Do some research and see what similar titles in your subject area are selling for.
You can also sell more copies by offering bonuses along with the e-book itself. Could you write a number of special reports as well, each one a few pages long, which relate to the subject of your main book? Anything like this will encourage still more people to buy from you rather than going elsewhere for a similar title.
The ultimate goal for you should be to write a series of e-books which each have their own website to sell from. When you write each sales letter be sure to include plenty of keywords and phrases to attract a greater volume of search engine traffic to your site. Pick a good and relevant domain name too – it will help to draw in more people.
The hardest step is in writing that first e-book. Once you’ve got going and you’ve had some experience you’ll start writing them faster, picking better titles and subjects, and selling more copies as a result. Before you know it you’ll have a great business on your hands.
If you’d like to comment on this piece, please leave your message using the form below. Then get writing – your first e-book is there, you just have to get it out.
Make Money Marketing CPA Offers
With the internet such a large part of our lives today, more and more individuals are looking for opportunities to make money online. While some are doing it to bring in some extra cash, others are looking for full-time careers and are being quite successful with their endeavors. Many are doing this by becoming marketers of CPA opportunities. You, too, can make money marketing CPA offers.
What is CPA?
CPA (no, I don’t mean “certified public accountant”) stands for “Cost Per Action” and it is when someone is paid for an action resulting from a lead. CPA has been around for many years, but has become much more popular in recent years by mainstream marketers that saw the opportunity for profit.
When you’re marketing CPA offers, you don’t necessarily have to sell anything to get paid. For instance, if you’re making up advertisements for a product and a sale is made because of your advertisement, you’ll make money. CPA has become so popular because you can make money without having to actually make the sale yourself. Collecting leads such as names, email addresses and locations is the most effective way of marketing CPA offers. Becoming a marketer for CPA offers is easy, fast and can provide you with a lot of fun and money!
Becoming a CPA Marketer
Becoming an online CPA marketer is not as difficult as one might think. You will need to have either a blog site or quality website set up before you can sign up as a CPA affiliate with a company or a CPA network (many are available on the web). Once you sign up, the companies will check out your site to ensure it meets their requirements.
Once this is done, they’ll contact you either by email or phone to ask you a few questions to make sure you know what becoming a CPA marketer entails as well as what your plans are as far as promoting their product or services.
They’ll want to know that you are aware of the rules and regulations regarding search engine and sale strategies. If you have any questions, this is the time to ask them so you’re well aware of what’s expected of you and what you can expect in terms of sales and money.
Know your Company
I know this is the internet and you can’t be expected to know every company that’s out there but, if you’re planning on being a CPA marketer, you want to make sure they are a legitimate company and will play by the rules and pay you.
Do some research about the company you’re considering working with. Make sure they are what they say and are legitimate. There are many sites where you can check on the legitimacy of internet companies. Do your homework and get reviews on these companies. Only agree to market CPA offers for companies that you’re comfortable working with. Once this is done, you’ll find you’re well on your way to a very promising and successful career as a CPA marketer.
What is CPA?
CPA (no, I don’t mean “certified public accountant”) stands for “Cost Per Action” and it is when someone is paid for an action resulting from a lead. CPA has been around for many years, but has become much more popular in recent years by mainstream marketers that saw the opportunity for profit.
When you’re marketing CPA offers, you don’t necessarily have to sell anything to get paid. For instance, if you’re making up advertisements for a product and a sale is made because of your advertisement, you’ll make money. CPA has become so popular because you can make money without having to actually make the sale yourself. Collecting leads such as names, email addresses and locations is the most effective way of marketing CPA offers. Becoming a marketer for CPA offers is easy, fast and can provide you with a lot of fun and money!
Becoming a CPA Marketer
Becoming an online CPA marketer is not as difficult as one might think. You will need to have either a blog site or quality website set up before you can sign up as a CPA affiliate with a company or a CPA network (many are available on the web). Once you sign up, the companies will check out your site to ensure it meets their requirements.
Once this is done, they’ll contact you either by email or phone to ask you a few questions to make sure you know what becoming a CPA marketer entails as well as what your plans are as far as promoting their product or services.
They’ll want to know that you are aware of the rules and regulations regarding search engine and sale strategies. If you have any questions, this is the time to ask them so you’re well aware of what’s expected of you and what you can expect in terms of sales and money.
Know your Company
I know this is the internet and you can’t be expected to know every company that’s out there but, if you’re planning on being a CPA marketer, you want to make sure they are a legitimate company and will play by the rules and pay you.
Do some research about the company you’re considering working with. Make sure they are what they say and are legitimate. There are many sites where you can check on the legitimacy of internet companies. Do your homework and get reviews on these companies. Only agree to market CPA offers for companies that you’re comfortable working with. Once this is done, you’ll find you’re well on your way to a very promising and successful career as a CPA marketer.
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