I was eagerly looking forward to this episode primarily because I wanted Aimen to get the much awaited wake up call after she heard Tahir blurt out the truth himself. I always felt that the last time Tahir walked out on Aimen she did not really accept the fact that he left her on purpose and some corner of her mind did tell her that it must have been something beyond his control that made him leave Aimen in the lurch. This time around Aimen heard everything loud and clear right from Tahir's mouth but even then Six months later Aimen is unable to get over Tahir completely and is dwelling in the past. Even after losing another baby Aimen has not been able to totally forget what Tahir did with her and move on. Surely, she does not love him anymore but has she moved on? Most certainly not. She still keeps on thinking about the past and refuses to value her loving and caring husband. The only reason Aimen cannot seem to reciprocate Tariq's feelings for her is that deep down in her heart she never loved him. She may have accepted him as her husband but there was nothing more and nothing less between them.
Tahir's friend Shahmeer deliberately has a conversation with Tahir so that Aimen can hear how Tahir really feels about her. Aimen hits Tahir with her car in frenzy and also crashes her car in another one. Feeling cheated, dejected and isolated (for God knows what reasons) Aimen runs for solace to her Grandfather who welcomes her with open arms. As far as the story is concerned there was considerable development to keep the viewer engrossed but I felt like some of the scenes are prolonged for no reason and there were too many scenes where Aimen was only "thinking" and I almost felt like shouting at the cameraman to move the camera away! Tahir is handicap and completely dependent on Shahmeer who also has had enough and wants to move out. Shahmeer for one last time goes to Aimen requesting her to see Tahir but she vows not to attend his funeral even…well good for her.
Today's episode was extremely slow and quite disappointing. The Aimen-nana reunion scene did not have the impact it should have had, I did not "feel" anything for any of the characters today because like I mentioned before the 'stills', I won't say scenes, because there was hardly any talking, were painfully long. Will the next episode be the last one? I am seriously hoping it is. I am eagerly looking forward to the time when Aimen will realize what is good for her. So much has happened in Aimen's life but every time she fails to derive a lesson from it all…will Aimen ever change? I am dying to find out how and when.
Author: Fatima Awan.