When I first saw the promos of Aik Nayi Cinderella, I got really very excited because I thought that finally, we will be able to experience a story with innocent love. I have always been a huge fan of a not-so-mature love because innocent love is so cute! I was even more excited for it because I knew that Haissam Hussain will be directing it. I loved the great chemistry he made between the characters in ‘Kuch Pyar Ka Pagal Pan’ and ‘Dastaan’ so I knew he would do the same here. I have high expectations for it
I hope he brings us an unforgettable story by his great direction.
Aik Nayi Cinderella is written by Faiza Iftikhar(novel is on-going so far) and directed by Haissam Hussain with fresh new actors, Maya Ali as Meesha, Osman Khalid Butt as Mayer and Faizan Khwaja as Romaan.
The first episode was mainly introduction. Like with Cinderella, Meesha(Maya Ali) is an orphan girl with an evil step-mother(Saba Hameed) and two step-sisters(Eshita and Warda Butt). She lives her life working for her step-family and the only one who truly cares for her is her grandmother. Unlike in Cinderella, Meesha is kind of ‘shararti’ with her step-family, pulling pranks on them everyday. She does this to try to get Meher(Saba Hameed) sick of telling Meesha to do all the work but so far, she hasn’t been successful.
I loved how Meesha was all ‘shararti’ because it was amusing to see and more realistic because I don’t think a little girl can always be nice to the people who are always mean to her. Some parts made me smile. It was cute! I also liked the concept of the different kind of dreams she was having. It made the audience curious about what they mean.
The only negative things I picked up so far were 1) the child playing the 8-year-old Meesha. The way she was talking, especially in the beginning of the episode, her accent sounded fake and forced. 2) I think that they should have shown a 2nd marriage instead of an extra-marital affair to make the drama more appropriate for the entire family.
Overall, the start was good. I can’t wait for the next episode. Hopefully, Romaan and Mayer will make their entrance next week. I wish both Faiza Iftikhar and Haissam Hussain best of luck! I really like how the whole family can watch this,except for one thing I mentioned above
I’m looking forward to how the story unfolds further and how different it is from the fairy-tale.
Written By GQ~