Indian Bhangra pop singer Daler Mehndi have recently said that both Atif Aslam and Himesh Reshamiya are jokers. Bhangra King Daler Mehndi also said that the showSur Kshetra (in which Atif and Himesh captain their teams) has now become Sur Kshetra.
Daler is angry from Atif and Himesh because he thinks that they both cut legendary singer Asha Bhosle when she is commenting on performances. Daler added that it takes seven lives to become a singer like Ashaji. He said that Ashaji should not be cut sort when she is talking and producer of the show should have acted.
Pakistani pop singer Atif Aslam and Himesh Reshammiya reaction on this statement of Daler is still awaited and it will be interesting to see that what will be the reaction of both the singers.
Ahsan Ejaz
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